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- Asthma: Global Patient Partnership Program (PPP)
Patienten Asthma
Asthma: Global Patient Partnership Program (PPP)
- 26 Ansichten
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- 1 Kommentar
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Community ManagerinGuter Ratgeber
Community Managerin
Zuletzt aktiv am 11.06.24 um 19:00
Registriert seit 2018
375 Kommentare geschrieben | 8 im Asthma-Forum
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Guter Ratgeber
@Fridolin @Radler @xtomtom @babsi1947 @Sternchen82 @Mond20
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15.05.24 | Patientengeschichten
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COPD: "Lass Dich beraten, mach Urlaub und beantrage eine Kur"
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22.10.17 | Aktualitäten
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Community ManagerinGuter Ratgeber
Community Managerin
Zuletzt aktiv am 11.06.24 um 19:00
Registriert seit 2018
375 Kommentare geschrieben | 8 im Asthma-Forum
1 der Antworten waren für die Mitglieder hilfreich
Guter Ratgeber
Liebe Mitglieder,
Carenity bietet Euch die Möglichkeit, Teil des Global Patient Partnership Programms zu werden, das von AstraZeneca, einem internationalen Pharmaunternehmen, ins Leben gerufen wurde.
Da das Programm in mehreren europäischen Ländern organisiert wird, findet die Kommunikation auf Englisch statt und sämtliche Dokumente sind in Englisch.
Eine gute Beherrschung der englischen Sprache (mündlich und schriftlich) ist daher für alle Teilnehmer erforderlich. Aus diesem Grund ist auch die Programmbeschreibung, die Ihr unten finden werden, auf Englisch.
Wir hoffen, dass es in Zukunft ähnliche Möglichkeiten für diejenigen geben wird, die wegen der Sprachbarriere nicht am Programm teilnehmen können.
What is the Patient Partnership Programme (PPP)?
Through the Patient Partnership Program, AstraZeneca aims to collaborate directly with patients worldwide to listen, learn, and co-create products and solutions that will deliver benefits for all patients.
What does the Programme consist of?
The aim of the Programme is to bring the patient voice to AstraZeneca global teams working in clinical development, medical affairs, marketing, and patient access.
This could include projects such as, but not limited to, study protocol development, co-designing patient support tools and programmes, or developing patient educational materials.
Time commitment will vary depending on project needs and meeting types e.g. telephone, email, and in-person meetings.
Once enrolled, patient partners are matched to specific projects based on their area(s) of personal or professional expertise.
Project details such as the patient partner's role and responsibilities and time commitments will be discussed and agreed upon between AstraZeneca project sponsors and patient partners prior to initiation of activities. It is anticipated that discussions over telephone or videoconference may require less number of hours than in-person meetings, which may require travel time.
PPP partners are not obligated to participate in an activity if invited to do so. They have the right to terminate participation with the Patient Partnership Programme at any time.
Are there any specific requirements?
Participants of the ASTHMA PPP are people who:
- are affected by moderate to severe asthma
- have skills or experience in functional areas pertinent to healthcare such as medical, science, research, digital health, marketing, communications, education, healthcare, regulatory, devices and other areas
- 18+ years old
- fluent in the English language
- Reside in the US, UK, Canada, or the EU
Will there be much travelling?
It is anticipated that most work will be co-created via teleconference/videoconference or email. Extensive travel is not anticipated (likely no more than once or twice per year for a day or two, if at all).
How to apply?
You can apply online via this website: www.azpatientpartners.com
You will need to answer some questions to make sure you meet the Programme's requirements.
If you need more details, feel free to leave a comment below and I will get back to you shortly.
Kind regards,